Singing Guide: Belle Epoque

Singing Guide: Belle Epoque

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Belle Epoque was a French disco trio that achieved international success in the mid-1970s with their blend of funk and disco beats. Their unique sound was characterized by lead vocalist Evelyne Lenton's sultry voice and the group's smooth harmonies.

To learn how to sing like Belle Epoque, it's important to focus on developing a smooth and sultry vocal tone, as well as mastering rhythm and groove.

One important technique to focus on is breath control. Breathing is essential for good singing, and Belle Epoque's smooth vocal style is heavily influenced by controlled breathing. Singing exercises such as the Farinelli Breathing Video can help improve breath control and lung capacity.

Another important technique to focus on is articulation. Clear, precise articulation is important for conveying Belle Epoque's lyrics and message. The Finger Bite Vocal Exercise can help improve articulation.

To get a better understanding of Belle Epoque's unique sound, it can be helpful to analyze their vocal range. The Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test can help you determine your own vocal range and how it relates to Belle Epoque's sound.

Once you have a solid foundation in breath control and articulation, you can start practicing their songs. "Black Is Black" is a great example of their classic disco sound, while "Miss Broadway" showcases their smooth, sultry vocals. The Singing Carrots Song Search tool can help you find other songs that match your vocal range and song preferences.

Finally, to take your singing skills to the next level, consider enrolling in Singing Carrots' educational singing course. This 21-lesson program covers singing theory and practical tips, and can help you develop the skills you need to sing like Belle Epoque and other great artists.

By focusing on breath control, articulation, vocal range, and rhythm, and utilizing the resources available through Singing Carrots, you can learn to sing like Belle Epoque and develop your own unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.